Convergence and social media have given society powerful tools once reserved for the traditional media. Access to technology and creativity allow for anyone to disseminate a message and build a following.
To read the entire issue, click here.
Recent and archived issues of The Convergence Newsletter
Monday, July 26, 2010
June 2010 Convergence Newsletter
June 2010: Research for the Newsroom: Making Us Tick
Clyde Bentley presents “Research for the Newsroom,” in which the University of Missouri professor provides a look at current research with pertinent information for media professionals.
Click here to read the entire article.
Recent and archived issues of The Convergence Newsletter
June 2010: Band on the Run: Building a Fan Base from Afar
Blake Arambula, a founder of the band Death of Paris, discusses his guerrilla social media campaign to promote and create an online community for the band that included letting fans see its first studio sessions in almost real time.
To read the entire article, click here.
Recent and archived issues of The Convergence Newsletter
May 2010 Convergence Newsletter
From backpack journalist, to video blogs, convergence has pushed not only the media to its limits, but also the audience and its means of interacting with journalists and the stories and information they produce.
Click here to read the entire issue.
Recent and archived issues of The Convergence Newsletter
May 2010: Citizen Journalism in the Newsroom and Ad Office
Joe Marren of Buffalo State College looks at how social media require media workers to rethink their traditional gatekeeper roles, not just in the newsroom but in the advertising office as well.
To read the entire article, click here.
Recent and archived issues of The Convergence Newsletter
May 2010: Cedar Rapids Newsrooms' Grand Experiment in Convergence
Wartburg College's Cliff Brockman analyzes one newsroom's attempt to embrace convergence by moving from the idea of selling one product to a world of "multiple products."
Recent and archived issues of The Convergence Newsletter